What inspires my drawings

I see a quiet humanity in the forms of trees. In winter, their elegant network - 'their bones', are fully revealed and have inspired my drawings over time. They are delicate and quite strong, with a diversity of space between their trunks and branches. I draw them without leaves to evoke a greater connection with the human form in a very abstract way. The landscapes are spare, with only the essentials to tell a story. I begin with a felt sense of emotion to convey and deep space to enter.

My treescapes are landscapes

of my mind offering a language to express humankind in gesture and relationship, echoing our fragility and strength and the distance and intimacy we choose to invite in. I draw from moments and experiences in my own life of joy and sorrow, of connection and the need to contemplate alone, of life’s uncertainty and innate mystery.

In the New Mexico landscape

the mountains, sunsets and night skies of Santa Fe and surrounding area have inspired new work that brings together charcoal and soft pastel. Each medium gives me the freedom to leave the thinnest layer on the surface then slowly build to deep charcoal tones as well as creating layers of subtle color changes for the sunset and night sky drawings.